


Type of holographic element – synthesized, 2D (digital recording is carried out using the FrameMatrix system).

The shape of the holographic element is a rectangle.

Size – 30×12 mm.

The main image of the hologram is the text “WARRANTY” and the tape “VOID IF REMOVED” is located below. High definition image with a bright outline and color gradient on the inside.

Along the sides of the word “WARRANTY” are two five-pointed stars that contain the topology of the latent image. This topology makes it possible to reveal, exclusively in coherent light, the latent image – the inscription “VALID”.

The background from the center is made with a gradient using an achromatic diffraction grating, characterized by a characteristic metallic sheen. Diffraction from text and background is observed in orthogonal planes, due to the separation of images by the viewing angle. When you rotate the hologram or change the lighting conditions on the text and background, bright kinetic effects are observed in a wide range of angles.


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